Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
1.How far do you look back to find the billing errors?
There is a statute of limitations of 36 months. It is important that we stop the errors sooner than later and file for refunds as every month that goes by, we lose refunds on the back end.
2.Do you conduct an on-site physical audit or is it just a document audit?
Document audit. The client provides us with one month’s utility (electric/gas) bill. We will then review it and determine whether there are errors.
3.What happens if you find errors on the one month’s utility (electric/gas) bill?
After reviewing it, if we find there are errors, we will send a simple one-page agreement to our clients to sign giving us permission to follow up with their utility company.
4.What is the cost of the utility audit?
There is No Out-Of-Pocket expense to you whatsoever. Our fee is based on recovered funds, no refund no fee. Plus, you keep 100% of all future savings. All refunds are sent directly to the client.
Truly a no cost service and a no- lose proposition.
5.What is the smallest sized monthly utility bill you audit?
Our minimum is $10,000.00 per month combined electric and gas utility bill.
Keep in mind, if there is no refund, you will have the peace of mind that you are paying the lowest cost for your utilities.
Any questions call 407-340-1646 or email